Monday, 2 August 2021

Contemporize, man

This now only occasional blog had seemingly exhausted its initial remit, but nevertheless it would be remiss of me if I didn't bang the drum for the apparent resurgence of UK-based free radio in recent times.

Numerically at least this is from something of a low base, but after a weekend where Crusin' Radio, Pandora, Nova, Merlin, and Clash were heard on 6 MHz, with Radio Pamela broadcasting from its usual 41 metres berth joined by Radio Jennifer on 7 MHz, perhaps there is finally a renewal of sorts of the UK scene on which to hang our hats. 

There was also a station named Image Radio who were heard several times earlier this year; along with the intermittent broadcasts of the Xenon Transmitting Company(XTC) and Radio Parade, there is undoubtedly emerging evidence to suggest that UK-based free radio on shortwave is once more a viable alternative to the in my opinion tedious fayre served up by an admittedly still vast panoply of continental operators. 

The Current Crop

I have been away from the contemporary shortwave free radio scene for most of the second half of 2024, with only cursory glances at loggings...